Source code for lsst.sims.ocs.configuration.sim_config

from builtins import str
import os
import sys

import lsst.pex.config as pexConfig

from lsst.sims.ocs.configuration import Downtime, Environment, load_config, Observatory, ObservingSite
from lsst.sims.ocs.configuration import SchedulerDriver, ScienceProposals, Survey
from lsst.sims.ocs.utilities import expand_path

__all__ = ["SimulationConfig"]

[docs]class SimulationConfig(pexConfig.Config): """Configuration for the survey simulation. This class gathers all of the configuration objects into one place. """ survey = pexConfig.ConfigField("The LSST survey configuration.", Survey) science = pexConfig.ConfigField("The science proposal configuration.", ScienceProposals) observing_site = pexConfig.ConfigField("The observing site configuration.", ObservingSite) observatory = pexConfig.ConfigField("The LSST observatory configuration.", Observatory) downtime = pexConfig.ConfigField("The LSST downtime configuration.", Downtime) sched_driver = pexConfig.ConfigField("The LSST Scheduler driver configuration.", SchedulerDriver) environment = pexConfig.ConfigField("The environmental configuration.", Environment)
[docs] def setDefaults(self): """Set defaults for the survey simulation. """ pass
@property def num_proposals(self): """The total number of active proposals. Returns ------- int """ num_props = 0 if is not None: num_props += len( if is not None: num_props += len( return num_props
[docs] def config_list(self, sub_config=None): """Get a list of parameter name, value tuples. Parameters ---------- sub_config : str, optional The name of a sub-configuration parameter. Returns ------- list[tuple(str, str)] The list of configuration name, value tuples. """ if sub_config is not None: c = getattr(self, sub_config) else: c = self return self.make_tuples(c.toDict())
[docs] def load(self, ifiles): """Load and apply configuration override files. This function loads the specified configuration files and applies them to the configuration objects. If input is a directory, it is assumed that all files in that directory are override files. Parameters ---------- ifiles : list[str] A list of files or directories containing configuration overrides. """ if ifiles is None: return config_files = [] for ifile in ifiles: ifile = expand_path(ifile) if os.path.isdir(ifile): dfiles = os.listdir(ifile) for dfile in dfiles: full_dfile = os.path.join(ifile, dfile) if os.path.isfile(full_dfile): config_files.append(full_dfile) if os.path.isdir(full_dfile): self.survey.alt_proposal_dir = full_dfile else: config_files.append(ifile) if self.survey.alt_proposal_dir is not None: sys.path.insert(0, self.survey.alt_proposal_dir) if len(config_files): load_config(self.survey, config_files) load_config(self.observing_site, config_files) self.observatory.load(config_files) load_config(self.downtime, config_files) load_config(self.sched_driver, config_files) load_config(self.environment, config_files)
[docs] def load_proposals(self): """Tell the science proposals to load their configuration. """{"GEN": self.survey.general_proposals, "SEQ": self.survey.sequence_proposals}, alternate_proposals=self.survey.alt_proposal_dir)
[docs] def make_tuples(self, value, key=None): """ Parameters ---------- value : any A configuration parameter or dictionary. key : str, optional The part of a fully qualified parameter name. Returns ------- list[tuple(str, str)] The list of configuration name, value tuples. """ configs = [] for k, v in value.items(): try: if key is None: tag = k else: tag = "/".join([key, k]) except TypeError: tag = "/".join([key, str(k)]) if isinstance(v, dict): configs.extend(self.make_tuples(v, tag)) else: configs.append((tag, str(v))) return configs
[docs] def save(self, save_dir=''): """Save the configuration objects to separate files. Parameters ---------- save_dir : str The directory in which to save the configuration files. """, "")), "")) self.observatory.save_as(save_dir), "")), "")), ""))