Source code for lsst.sims.ocs.utilities.session_info

import os

from lsst.sims.ocs import __version__

__all__ = ["get_hostname", "get_user", "get_version"]

[docs]def get_user(): """Get the username from the environment. Returns ------- str The usename of the simulation runner. """ return os.getenv("USER")
[docs]def get_hostname(): """Get the hostname from the environment. Returns ------- str The hostname of the simulation running computer. """ host = os.getenv("OPSIM_HOSTNAME") if host is None or host == "": import socket host = socket.gethostname() host = host.split('.')[0] return host
[docs]def get_version(): """Get the version of the software. This function returns the version of the software. Note ---- In order to delineate the new version of the Operations Simulator from version 3, a 4 is prepended to the actual software version number. Returns ------- str The version number for the simulation software. """ return "4.{}".format(__version__)