
This table contains a summary set of information from the observations by joining certain columns from particular tables. There is one row for each proposal observed target. If more that one proposal received the same observation, rows with mostly duplicated information, except proposal Id, are created.

Column Description
observationId Numeric identifier for an observation entry.
night The night in the survey for the observation. Starts from 1.
observationStartTime The UTC start time for the observation (units=seconds). This occurs after the slew but before the first exposure.
observationStartMJD The Modified Julian Date at observation start (units=seconds).
observationStartLST The Local Sidereal Time at observation start (units=degrees)
numExposures The number of exposures taken for the observation.
visitTime The total time for the observation (units=seconds) including exposure, shutter and readout time.
visitExposureTime The sum of all the exposure times for the observation (units=seconds). No shutter and readout time included.
proposalId Numeric identifier that relates to an entry in the Proposal table.
filter The one character name for the band filter.
altitude The altitude of the observation (units=degrees).
azimuth The azimuth of the observation (units=degrees)
airmass The airmass of the observation field.
skyBrightness The calculated skybrightness for the observation field.
cloud The fraction of clouds present (0: none to 1: total).
seeingFwhm500 The full-width at half-maximum for seeing observations at 500 nm at zenith.
seeingFwhmGeom “Geometrical” full-width at half-maximum, actual half width at maximum brightness. This can be used to represent the FWHM of a double Gaussian representing the physical width of a PSF.
seeingFwhmEff “Effective” full-width at half-maximum, typically ~15% larger than seeingFwhmGeom. This can be used to calculate SNR for point sources, using seeingFwhmEff as the FWHM of a single Gaussian describing the PSF.
fiveSigmaDepth The magnitude of a point source that would be a 5-sigma detection (units=magnitudes)
slewTime The duration of the slew (units=seconds).
slewDistance The angular distance traveled on the sky of the slew (units=degrees).
paraAngle Current parallactic angle of the rotator (units=degrees).
rotTelPos Current position of the telescope rotator (units=degrees).
rotSkyPos Current position of the camera on the sky (units=degrees).
moonRA The right-ascension (units=degrees) of the moon.
moonDec The declination (units=degrees) of the moon.
moonAlt The altitude (units=degrees) of the moon.
moonAz The azimuth (units=degrees) of the moon.
moonDistance The distance (units=degrees) between the moon and the observation field.
moonPhase The phase of the moon.
sunAlt The altitude (units=degrees) of the sun.
sunAz The azimuth (units=degrees) of the sun.
solarElong The solar elongation (units=degrees) of the observation field (distance between it and sun).