This table keeps a record of the information from the requested targets during a simulated survey.
Column | Description |
targetId | Numeric identifier for a particular target request. |
Session_sessionId | The simulation run session Id. |
Field_fieldId | Numeric identifier that relates to an entry in the Field table. |
groupId | Group Id for the target. This is non-zero and repeated for field/filter combinations collected in sets of N (tuples or sequences). It is zero when N equal one. |
filter | Band filter requested by the target. |
requestTime | The UTC time (units=seconds) when all of the associated information (airmass etc.) was calculated for the target. |
requestMJD | The Modified Julian Date (units=seconds) when all of the associated information (airmass etc.) was calculated for the target. |
ra | Right Ascension of the requested target (units=degrees). |
dec | Declination of the requested target (units=degrees). |
angle | Difference between parallactic angle and rotator angle (units=degrees). |
numExposures | Number of exposures for the requested target. |
requestedExpTime | The total duration of all requested exposures (units=seconds). |
airmass | The airmass of the target. |
skyBrightness | The calculated skybrightness for the target. |
cloud | The fraction of clouds (0: none to 1: total) for the target. |
seeing | The seeing (units=arcseconds) for the target. |
slewTime | The calculated slew time (units=seconds) for the target. |
cost | The calculated cost for the target. |
rank | The rank of the target for the associated proposal. If more than one proposal, this is a coadded value. |
propBoost | The calculated time-balancing boost for the target. |
numRequestingProps | The total number of proposals requesting this target. More than one means the target was in each proposals winner’s list. |
moonRA | The right-ascension (units=degrees) of the moon. |
moonDec | The declination (units=degrees) of the moon. |
moonAlt | The altitude (units=degrees) of the moon. |
moonAz | The azimuth (units=degrees) of the moon. |
moonDistance | The distance (units=degrees) between the moon and the target. |
moonPhase | The phase of the moon. |
sunRA | The right-ascension (units=degrees) of the sun. |
sunDec | The declination (units=degrees) of the sun. |
sunAlt | The altitude (units=degrees) of the sun. |
sunAz | The azimuth (units=degrees) of the sun. |
solarElong | The elongation (units=degrees) of the sun. |